Technical University Munich
The Institute of Pathology of the Technical University Munich is associated with the Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Munich, a 1100-bed hospital treating 40,000 in-house patients and 170,000 out-patients yearly. The Institute of Pathology has a biobank core-facility, hosting tens of thousands of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) and over 10,000 cryo-conserved samples and associated medical data. The patients’ IC was obtained and stored for all samples since 2002. TUM provides DIN EN ESO/IEC 17020 certified molecular analyses for research purposes and diagnostics.
Research interests include the development of novel technologies for DNA, RNA, and protein based molecular pathology using formalin-based techniques and the identification of disease markers. The institute focuses specifically on developing molecular diagnostic tools for use in tumour diagnosis and chemotherapy response prediction tailored to the individual patient.

Institut für Pathologie
Trogerstrasse 18
81675 München