Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum
Erasmus MC is the largest academic medical center in the Netherlands with over 13,000 personnel active in medical care, education and scientific research.
The Erasmus MC department of Pathology includes a large team of pathologists, biomedical scientists, research technicians and managerial personnel who join forces to implement and improve high standards of diagnostic pathology and medical research. The major part of the research is dedicated to translational research on the molecular pathology of cancer. The current pathology building hosts more than 200 among scientists and clinicians from five different departments collaborating in a multi-disciplinary fashion.
The Erasmus MC Tissue bank ( is taking part in this project and is situated at the pathology department making left over diagnostic samples available for medical research purposes. There are about 3 million formalin fixed and paraffin embedded and 80,000 frozen tissues available in the bank. Further specifics are found following the website links.